Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thank you Champion for the best sleeping bra EVER!

I have just finished an old fashioned practice...I wrote a letter to Champion to thank them for creating such an amazing product to help me sleep!

The Champion C9 Camisole Sports Bra has so far saved my sleep and hopefully my overly ample bosom.  You can get them at Target and they amazingly protect the sensitivity AND provide great support!  I am soooo excited to have found this wonderful product, and I am NOT a paid spokesman but I would be happy to be one!

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Big Reveal

Couldn't see what they were looking for because the little alien was face-forward, but it's definitely a might be an alien baby, but it's a baby!

Appointment scheduled for genetic counseling and level 2 sonogram on December 1st...more anon! 

We have a heart rate...

So there's an old wives tale that states that fetal heart rate is a gender predictor, the opinions are mixed on this topic among the medical community and my doctor kind of rolled her eyes when I brought it up but...

Heart Rate at 11 1/2 weeks....183

Do with it what you will.

Ultrasound tomorrow, stay tuned!

Never thought I would be excited about this Gold Card!

The alien lima bean has coverage now!  Through persistence I now have pregnancy Medicaid in the State of Florida.  A tip for the future to all of the women of child-bearing age out there...DO NOT OPT OUT OF MATERNITY COVERAGE!  Opting out of maternity coverage leaves you with extremely limited options, as pregnancy is pretty much a pre-existing condition under most definitions.  You options tend to be, self-pay or Medicaid.

The great thing about pregnancy Medicaid in the State of Florida is that once you are approved, you are approved until 2 months after the baby is born, no matter what (hopefully positive) changes occur in your financial situation.  I had been worried about pursuing currently active accounts and booking meetings without weighing out the risk of losing coverage and now I can go gangbusters with work without worrying about how it will impact my maternity coverage. 

What does Medicaid cover for pregnant women?
  • 1 ultrasound
  • 10 prenatal visits (14 for high risk pregnancy)
  • 2 postpartum visits
  • 1 newborn assessment
  • delivery, etc.
In today's economy, it is good to know that these resources are out there for folks who may have made the error of opting out of maternity coverage...